Gerwig Family: Ashland, Ohio
We’ve got a super fun client feature for you! The Gerwig family asked about family photos for their adorable immediate family, and then added in some of their extended family as well. You’ll definitely want to check these photos out!
Honey Haven Farm (Ashland, Ohio) seemed like the perfect family photo spot, especially considering the kiddos were super excited about the tractors on the property. We had plenty of variety without having to pack the kids up and drive to another location - the perfect scenario for everyone!
First Up, The Immediate Family
Kids are always the variable when we’re starting off a session - will they be excited? Will they be camera shy? Or will they act like they’ve been professional models for years? You never really know until we start the session… and thankfully the kids warmed up to the camera quickly today! It didn’t hurt that mom and dad were so calm themselves, helping the kids ease into everything.

Then The Kids Stole The Show
It didn’t take long for the kids to start asking to get their photo taken on their own. WIN! We got several individual shots of the kids, and obviously had to get them together. Overall, they really stole the show at the end of the day.

Adding In Extended Family
After getting a bunch of incredible photos of the kids by themselves, it was time to add in the extended family - dogs included! It’s the right way to wrap up the session so the family can all hang out or go grab some food after the session.

Schedule Your Family Photos Today!
Let’s build an exciting family photo experience for you! We always start off with a Style Consult to go over family’s interests and style.
Book your style consult today to start the process!